Group Discussion > Looking for information on jade carver Robert Dube'
Is this the Robert Dube who carved jade in Victoria BC
If so I met him in White Rock BC. where he was into carving wood. i have several of his wood carvings
Date would be late 70's early 80's
Then he returned back east and via freinds heard that he had died.
sincerely mary freeman cain
If so I met him in White Rock BC. where he was into carving wood. i have several of his wood carvings
Date would be late 70's early 80's
Then he returned back east and via freinds heard that he had died.
sincerely mary freeman cain
March 29, 2009 |
mary freeman cain

Thanks for your note Mary. I think that this probably is the same Robert Dube' although I'm not aware of his time in Victoria. I do know that he carved in media other than Jade and the dates are about right. I'm told that Robert died of silicosis because apparently he never used a mask when he carved stone. Earl
April 13, 2009 |
earl matheson

We have a jade sculpture carved by Robert Dube which we bought from Lee's Jade and Opals Langley BC April 1981 - we were told by Gwen Lee at the time that they were providing the diamond drills for Robert to carve the Jade Sculptures - He carved exclusively for Don & Gwen Lee -there is reference Page 80 - 90 (a funny story to his ability to cook) in the book they had published titled"Rivers of Gold a True Yukon Story". We are interested in selling our Sculpture and this is why I was on Google to find out information on him. About 12 years ago I was talking to a lady who ran an Artist Store on Pine & West 1 st."Jade World" in Vancouver named Jeanie - she told me then that Robert Dube had Passed Away. Don & Gwen Lee had a magnificent carving of an Indian scalping a person - which we thought was also carved by Robert Dube - however I heard they sold it. It was very expensive at that time - in the 80's - around 30,000.00. Brian Lee ( Don & Gwen's Son ) now owns a great jewellery store in Abbotsford, BC - naturally called Lee's Fine Jewellery - you would probably be able to get a lot of information of him from Brian. If you have any information as to where we would be able to sell our sculpture it would be greatly appreciated.
Ray & Elaine MacCoy
Ray & Elaine MacCoy
July 23, 2009 |
Ray & Elaine MacCoy

I my name is David Dube, and Robert Dube was my uncle. I was googoling Robert when I suprisingly fall on this blog. Unfortunatly Robert past away several years ago. I was looking to find pictures ,on the net, of a statu that he carve and sold to a Buckingham palas buyer. If anyone of you have it? Or for any coments or infos. Please send me a message.
Sincerely David Dube
Sincerely David Dube
December 14, 2009 |
David Dube

I have a green jade carving that was left to me by my parents. They purchased it in or about 1979 while in British Columbia, Canada. We stayed at The Empresss Hotel. I'm searching for the artist. I have been told it probably is Robert Dube, Lyle Sopel, or David Wong. It is probably not David Wong because I was told he did not make any carvings that had a stand, such as mine. I am curious to know who the artist is as well as how much it is worth. It is unique and lovely. I hope somebody can help. You can contact me at . Thank you so much.
January 14, 2011 |

Is this Robert M. Dube (with an accent mark over the e"?
Eldo Hartz
Tybee Island, Ga.
Is this Robert M. Dube (with an accent mark over the e"?
Eldo Hartz
Tybee Island, Ga.
February 9, 2011 |
Eldo Hartz

If you count rocks or rough chunks of jade as stands,David Wong did carve them. I have an orca suspended by one brass pin to a rough hunk of jade. We saw it in Birks in Victoria. My husband had them bring it east,and my husband bought it for my birthday in 1981.or 1982.
February 25, 2011 |

I have a few minor carvings by Robert Dubé and would like to acquire more. By the way he died from a heart attack not of silicosis.
August 21, 2011 |
Pierre Savoie

I have a numbered carving of a jade beaver by Robert Dube. I am trying to find a place to have it appraised but am not having any luck. I'm on Vancouver Island. Any ideas who could do this?
September 17, 2011 |

I have a jade duck (highly polished) carved by Robert Dube, mounted on a raw block of jade, (probably 15 lbs duck and 25 lbs block). It has a signed card by him from 1975, and lists a studio in Vancouver (Robert Dube Studio)
January 24, 2012 |
Murray MacDonald

Would this be Robert M Dube? Did he also do drawings on a black background? I just found this rabbit drawing by sheer coincidence. It looks to have a pencil signature on the edge, also to the right of the rabbit.
October 5, 2012 |
Sylvia Larkin

I have several jade carvings my husband bought me carved by mr. Dube. They r lovely
March 13, 2013 |

Contact Earl Matheson at ""
Thanks and regards, Fred Ward, Friends of Jade